Bonivital club coaches

We take pride in having some of the best coaches in the province here at Bonivital. We look to provide opportunities for our coaches to grow on and off the field, and grow their experience and certifications. Our coaches have a huge impact on our club and players, and are so important for the clubs success!

Here's a look at all the current coaches at the club, and their certifications C License or higher. All other coaches have a youth certification:

B Diploma:

Xxavier Barra 

Kris Nordman 

Steven Gzebb 

Faith Jasper

Werner Mueller

Tony Fonseca

Greg Nordman

C Diploma:

Cary McNab

Nikki Palmer

Mike Guzzi

Ben Akoh

Darrell Boyko

Jeremy Guenette

Don Fuentes

Sarah Strauman

James Williams

Terry Burgoyne